5G Fundamentals, 5G Top Challenges Every Manager Needs to Know. It’s all about unlocking 5G business opportunities for a business organization. Learning 5G means increasing your opportunities to grow faster.
At Tonex, we offer most essential and latest 5G business topics your organization needs to heed on. All the managers will have topic customization facilities. Course topics are,
- Fundamentals of 5G Technology and 5G Use Cases
- 5G and Transformation of Digital Society
- 5G Business Models and Use Cases
5G Fundamentals Training (Learning opportunity)
You will be learning about 5G industry activities and fundamental challenges.
- Fundamentals of 5G technology, use cases, products, and services
- Learn network slicing and how it is used to build and manage a network
- 5G business models B2C, B2B and B2B2X segments
- Network slicing and how it is used to build and manage a network
- AI/ML and analytics and their role in 5G
5G Fundamentals Training
Your benefits from this course
In fact, you will learn how AI/ML is being used for 5G network planning, automation of network operations (e.g., provisioning, optimization, fault prediction, security, fraud detection), network slicing, reducing operating costs, and improving both the quality of service and customer experience based on chatbots, recommender systems.
Take your steps to 5G and Transformation of Digital Society.
Tonex can help you all the way long.
Wake up! It’s the digital transformation time. Shine your leadership and management with 5G. Train your employee.
Request more information. Sign up for 5G Fundamentals Training for Managers